
3 photographes tchèques très réputés. Article de Barbora

Jan Saudek est mondialement réputé. Il est né en 1935 à Prague. Il a participé à plus de 400 expositions et il a gagné de nombreux prix prestigieux. Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale il a passé de longs mois dans un camp de concentration. Dans son œuvre, il travaille beaucoup les couleurs, et ses thèmes de prédilections sont les murs et la nudité. C'est un photographe vraiment extraordinaire.

Son ex-femme Sára Saudková est également photographe de renom. Elle a fait des études en sciences économiques, mais la photographie l'inspirait tellement qu'elle en a fait sa carrière. Elle utilise beaucoup la couleur. Elle prend en photo surtout les enfants. Ses thèmes sont essentiellement l'amour et la solitude.

Antonín Kratochvíl vit aux États-Unis. En plus d'être photographe, il est journaliste et écrivain. Il a obtenu 12 prix prestigieux. Il est courageux parce qu'il prend des photos dans des situations dangereuses, par exemple en Afrique durant des conflits armés.


Sweet death... By Alice, Bénédicte & Lucile

This is a photo of a jolly human skull made of drugs or sweets. It is very colourful, just like a Mexican Day of the Dead sugar skull, not morbid at all. The background, in contrast, is abysmally dark...

Is Death laughing at us because we naïvely think medicine is going to protect us from the inevitable? Or is this image saying that death is "sweet"?

Princess problems... By Marilou & Mégane

This picture of gorgeous Anne Hathaway is taken from the movie “The Princess Diaries”. She’s sitting on a oversized golden chair which looks like a throne.  She wears a beautiful beige and golden dress. She seems to be at a lose end. Boredom is probably the biggest worry a princess can have...

Every little girl wants to be a princess. Disney fuels this desire by telling the story of a princess who overcomes the difficulties in her life with true love. Each woman wants to find a prince charming and live the same life as in the Disney stories. But real life is far from a princess's life because of all the lies, difficulties with money, problems at work, complicated love, etc. Although it is a little girl's dream, all women carry on believing in this eternal dream...


Cocorico! By Anne Sophie & Floriane

This is a black and white picture, probably from the 50s, of the famous stylist Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, better known as Coco Chanel.

She is sitting on a bench, looking over her shoulder.

She is posing, and seems to be proud of what she has become.

She is wearing black with white jewels, several long pearl necklaces and big bracelets.

She behaves like a man as she is wearing a hat and she is smoking. This is typical of Chanel.

This self-made woman - from rural Auvergne! - revolutionized the fashion world by cutting her hair, and her skirt, short.

She's a fashion icon, and she knows it... 

Bad taste... By Mégane & Marilou

This baby is sitting down. We see only the upper part of his body. He’s alone and in the foreground. He has got blue eyes. He is wearing a nazi uniform. He’s got a moustache like Hitler’s. His hair is slick, just like Adolph's. He’s smiling and seems innocent...

The image is shocking since a baby, symbol of innocence, has nothing to do, normally, with the evil we associate with Hitler. Is the photographer saying babies are not innocent? Or that babies can also become evil? Or that Hitler was also an (innocent) baby once?

Is this perhaps a parody of an Anne Geddes photo? Anne Geddes uses babies in her pictures, she wants people to say “Oh, he's so cute!” Geddes uses babies in all sorts of situations, she "plays" with them as if they were dolls... There's something creepy about her pictures.

The photographer of this picture is surely mocking Geddes' “art”. She wants to shock and provoke a reaction in people’s minds; Should we use babies in this way, by putting them in silly costumes or bizarre situations? The photographer, using black humour, highlights the "bad taste" of Geddes' work...